Posts Tagged ‘ cognitive health ’

The Miraculous Health Benefits of Lion’s Mane Mushroom


Staying sharp is absolutely vital for anyone who wishes to be on top of their game, if we want to be all that we can be it’s absolutely critical to ensure we take measures to look after all aspects of our health so that we can thrive and excel in what we do.

Lion’s Mane Mushroom also known as monkey head mushroom, can help inhibit brain dysfunction that are seen with Alzheimer’s disease, adding lion’s mane mushroom to your diet can prevent dementia and acts as a tonic to the synthetic nervous system.

Other health benefits of Lion’s Mane Mushroom are:

  • boosts immune system and fights cancer
  • Stimulates Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)
  • Regulates cholesterol and blood sugar levels
  • Removes the unwanted toxins in our body

They also help promote a healthier digestive system and can expedite the healing of ulcers. They are completely natural and have no reported side effects, They can be used in a few dishes such as soup recipes, vegetable and meat dishes, there is even a saffron and apple recipe.

They’re grow on hardwood trees, that are already dying or dead and also grow in Japan, and North America. In Chinese tradition emperors were only allowed to eat lions mane mushroom as they knew how potent it was, which also showed that Chinese doctors already saw it’s medical health benefits.

Lions mane mushroom can treat:

  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Senility
  • Parkinson’s Disease

So if you wish to stay sharp and all times and enhance the health of your nervous system and keep your mind fit, then have a look into taking some lion’s mane mushroom supplements. This can be added to your everyday diet which you can then use to counter Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia which is pretty simple seeing as you only have to eat it to receive all these benefits from it.

Isn’t it great that you can just eat your way to better memory function or enhanced cognitive function? all you need is a few recipes with lions I recommend having it with tofu with chicken mixed in with a few vegetables, They also can be added to this soup recipe, also this fried monkey head mushroom recipe is sure to set your mouth to water.

You can also order the supplements below in compact supplement containers with 120 caps in each (click on the picture to get price)419j6gaYZ5L41As+eOJvNL._SY450_

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